Central London

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central london

On 19th July 2011, the Walkers, below fanned out round Trafalgar Square taking pictures to rival commercial postcards to win The Mike Shaw Tourist Trophy

Henry Brzeski HB   Colin Hicks CH
Helen Cullens HC   Juliet Morton JM
Peter Cullens PJC   Jonathon Reynolds JR
Steve Else SE   Chris Homan CHO
Steve Hamill SH   Michael Shaw (leader) MS

The Gang - SE

Planning at St Albans station - HC

Starting Point - SH

Other Snappers - HC


Living Wall Art - JM

Viewpoints - JM

Olympic Countdown - JM




A quick wash - PJC

Golden Opportunity - PJC


How do You? _ PJC

Must be interesting - PJC


London Bus - CH

London Eye - CH

Mermaid fountain - CH


Charlie Chaplin - CH





Gagarin - SH



The Cornwalls - SE



Who did you say that was? - HB


Graduation - MS

Henry - SH

It's a Nut - SE


Steve - SH

Triumph - PJC


Angels' Trumpets - HC

Tree rat with peanut - HC

Who - PJC


Savoy leopard - HC

Rough Sleeping - MS

An Early Disused Station - MS

Or Bus - PJC

It's raining again - MS

More rain - MS

Umbrellas - MS

On Message - PJC


The Wheel gets everywhere - JM

Pelicans - HC



What smell? _ PJC


Waiting - JM

Popcorn man -SE


Speeding Cabbie - HB


Speeding Shoppers - HB

Hanging out - PJC

Graffiti and skate boarding under the South Bank - HC


By foot or train in the rain - HB


iLights - HB

iPods - HB

Got Him - MS


iTree - HB






The Eye - HC


Expert - PJC

South Bank Bathing huts - HC

My Horse - MS


We had an enjoyable meal at the Crypt restaurant, St. Martin's in the Fields before taking the train home.   I think Albert Beale would have been amused by our reservation notice: he was a member for 34 years...