John Capper |
JC |
Peter Duncan |
PD |
Juliet Morton |
JM |
Michael Shaw (leader)
MS |
Helen Cullens |
HC |
Steve Hamill |
SH |
Brian Perry |
BP |
Hazel Wagner |
Peter Cullens |
Colin Hicks |
CH |
Wendy Perry |
John Wagner |
JW |
Blades JM |
Art Gallery - SH |
Kia-ora - SH |
Girls boating - CH |
Determination - CH |
in the Door - CH |
Caught in Frame - JM |
Thames Craft - JM |
Coloured Reflection - JM |
Under Richmond Bridge - JC |
Overhead View - JC |
Gondola - PD |
Fisherman - MS |
Deco - PD |
Sundial - MS |
Soldier - PJC |
Boats - PJC |
Under the Arches - HC |
River boats - SH |
the phone - PD |
River transport - SH |
Containers - HC |
Boats from the Bridge - HC |
Alternative transport - HC |
the Arch - JC |
Messing about in boats - PD |
Swallows or Amazons? - MS |
- SH |
- MS |
Tranquillity - JM |
Ooops -
PD |
Helping Hand - PD |
HC |
We found some naked
ladies cavorting around a pool - some of
them in rather odd poses. They were
imported from Italy by a fraudulent
who took his own life on
conviction in 1904, they were acquired
by the last private owner of York House,
an Indian grandee called Sir Rattan
Tata. When the house was sold and the
contents auctioned the statues stayed
where they were. Tata's widow may have
given them to the local friend who
helped her with the sale, but it is not
difficult to believe that the task of
moving and installing the group at
another site put off any buyers. Over
the years the statues suffered neglect
and vandalism, pumps failed and the pool
leaked. By the late 1980s there were
even people who believed they should be
abandoned to their fate. Others
disagreed, and raised funds to restore
and protect what are known locally as
'the naked ladies'. |
Mistress wont play - HC |
someone snap me? - PJC |
Couple - PJC |
Bending over - PJC |
Spectators - JC |
- PJC |
Nosey - PJC |
to Eel Pie Island - JC |
Pigeon Line - CH |
Stuck in the Mud - CH |
Skiff Stack - CH |
Walkers - PD |
Marble Hill House - HC |
Heading for a fall - CH |
Swans - PD |
- PJC |
Relaxing at The Anglers after a good day
out - PJC
walked back to the station and returned
home via the North London Railway to
West Hampstead. The connections were
slick and we were back earlier than
expected. |